Smells good inside: The key of attraction

I know that a man really attracts me when the smell that comes from inside him, is pleasant to my senses. Sometimes delicious. And I don´t mean the cologne, nor the sweat of his skin, much less the breath; This essence comes directly from the oxygen that surrounds his body, more accurately, from the airstream released by the lungs.

I have met men with extra fresh breath. With light healthy smell, similar to the breeze ... with a sweetness irresistible to me, and necessary to stay.

From others, conversely, I breathed stenches, as if they were lacking life inside, as if they were half withered in the soul and that was reflected in a steam similar to the one that comes out of a warm egg, of bad dried clothes packed in the closet, of wet cardboard, of dead corpses... then I ran away. Poor confused beings! but, how do you tell a man that you rejected him because you don´t like how he smells inside? Does that make any sense?

On the other hand, him, my most recent discovery, is particular: his inward has a woody note but is fresh, healthful; I can say that maybe he has art flowing through his organs and his inside has bright earth colors... What comes from his center is deep and mysterious because it left me without strength; it injected peace in my body...

I have breathed him only once... when we met I couldn´t perceive anything (there are also some of them, that even though you get close enough, they remain unidentifiable, absolutely nothing special, unnoticed for nose and spirit) I don´t understand if it´s a chemistry matter or mere physical perception. The fact is that just until that night I could discover him: we were lying face to face, and while his kisses kissed mine, I took to the deepest the air that his body exhaled; and when it arrived at my diaphragm, I felt a lightning into my blood: there was some drug in my system: the undeniable effect of a muscle relaxant. There I gave up... I melted inside his hands and I couldn´t do anything else, just stay still, motionless, submerged in his aroma.

I grabbed as much as I could, like a thief. Put his nose as close as possible to mine, and stayed quiet receiving the colors and mysteries that he gave me in shape of wind... I slept with a new finding in my consciousness. However, I will never be able to explain what happened to him, how do you tell a man that he can anesthetize you with what he exhales? 
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