Can love being defined?

Some time ago someone asked me:

What is love for you?... And I was speechless...

How in such simple words 
could such a complex paradigm fit?... 

Why couldn't I answer a six-word question
 that didn't contain any riddles 
or algebraic problems? ...

It took me years to understand
 that love cannot be defined…

It cannot be contained, 
nor controlled... 
and much less limited. 
It is the only impulse impossible to stop... 
the only force impossible to handle. 
Love is like the wind: doesn´t get caught.
 It camouflages, transmutes... 
It dresses as a worm or as a butterfly, 
it has translucent nuances, 
it is holographic and fluorescent. 
Love enlightens, clarifies the shadows,
 floats, swims to the surface. It is like the sun:
 although they try to cover it, 
it slips through the slits and under the doors, 
it reflects in the water, creates invisible waves,
 and swirls in the air...
 Love surpasses us, regenerates us, expands us 
and explodes inside our bodies 
like a sleeping volcano,
 with no apparent noise 
but with the power 
of a thousand atomic bombs ...
 it is the true Apocalypse:
 the most beautiful destruction ever lived,
 the greatest renewal ever sought.
 Love finds us no matter how well we hide, 
and transforms us to the core. 
It invades us without remedy 
and metastasizes where it wants. 
Nothing suppress it, 
nothing expels it,
 nothing stops it. 
It feeds on its own through lives and years
 or suddenly extinguishes. 
Love plays to transform us
 and laughs at our tears,
 it has no compassion: 
he knows that this is the only way 
to touch our collapsed fibers and rebuild them... 
he knows that only from him 
we can reach our own sky 
and tear our own flesh... 
he knows that only from him
 we can overcome fear and defeat ourselves... 
he knows that only from him
 we can move towards the purest that was given to us: 
the very vulnerability of being born human...

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